Collection Bond
To look in places that others do not look...outside the
schemes. Bond is a collection thought with new rules. The
sidelong body that end in the oval shape of handle create its
sinuous line. Bond is the difference that make the difference.
Art. 930
Wash basin mixer with pop-up waste
Art. 931
Set for basin in the wall (spout 200 mm)
Art. 932
Bidet mixer with pop-up waste
Art. 933
Bath mixer 3 holes
Art. 934
Bath set with floor pillars
Art. 935
Bath mixer with duplex
Art. 936
External shower mixer
Art. 937
Built - in shower mixer
Art. 938
Built - in shower mixer with diverter
Art. 939
External shower mixer with telescopic
and rotary column, shower-head and duplex
The components for energetic saving of this collection are on request